Webinarium “AI in medical technology: Innovative projects across Europe”, 4 lipca 2019 r., 14:00-15:15

4 lipca 2019 r. (w godz.: 14.00 – 15.15) – liczba miejsc ograniczona, pierszeństwo dla naszych Klastrowiczów.

Poniżej szczegółowe informacje nt. webinarium oraz dane do rejestracji.

Join our webinar on AI in medical technology on July 4th 2019, 14.00 – 15.15. Link for the registration


With the third webinar as part of the S3martMed project, we would like to inform you about the use of AI in the DNA sequence analysis and evaluation of fMRI data. The S3martMed project supports medical technology SMEs and research institutions in the internationalization and identification of financial models.

We are pleased that we have Prof. Gabriella Balestra from the Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Damien Bertrand, PhD – Business Development Officer at DNAlytics (Belgium) and Dr. Johannes Stelzer from the Max Planck for Biological Cybernetics (Germany) as speaker for this exciting topic.